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Lettuce-Farming Robots


Sets Us

of Smart Farming Include:

At HiOT, we're not just about crops and livestock; we're about cultivating innovation. Our team is a diverse blend of agricultural experts, tech enthusiasts, and creative minds, all united by the vision of bringing a technological revolution to the heart of farming.


​We specialize in smart farming solutions, a game-changing approach that integrates state-of-the-art technologies to empower farmers and agribusinesses. From deploying cutting-edge sensors across fields to implementing advanced data analytics, automation, and precision farming equipment, we're here to make farming not just efficient but downright cool.


  1. Sensors and IoT Devices: Deploying sensors to collect real-time data on factors such as soil moisture, temperature, nutrient levels, weather conditions, and crop health.

  2. Data Analytics: Using advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to process the collected data and derive actionable insights. This may include predictive modelling for crop yields, disease detection, and optimal resource management.

  3. Automation: Implementing automation technologies to perform tasks such as precision planting, autonomous harvesting, and robotic weeding. This helps reduce labour costs and enhance the precision of agricultural activities.

  4. Connectivity: Utilizing high-speed internet and communication technologies to ensure seamless connectivity between devices and systems on the farm. This enables real-time monitoring and control.

  5. Precision Farming Equipment: Using specialized equipment equipped with GPS and other technologies for precise application of inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides. This helps optimize resource use and minimize environmental impact.

  6. Drones and Satellite Imaging: Employing aerial technologies to capture high-resolution images of fields. This data is valuable for monitoring crop health, identifying areas of concern, and making informed decisions about crop management.


Smart Farming, Smarter Solutions:

  • Expertise Meets Innovation: Our team comprises seasoned agricultural experts and tech wizards who collaborate to bring you the best of both worlds.

  • Tailored Solutions: We understand that every farm is unique. That's why our smart farming solutions are customizable, ensuring they fit seamlessly into the specific needs and challenges of your operation.

  • Sustainability Matters: We're not just about tech; we're about sustainable farming practices. Our solutions are designed to enhance productivity while minimizing environmental impact.


When you choose HiOT, you're not just adopting a set of tools; you're embracing a new era of farming. We promise to stand by your side, providing top-notch technology, unparalleled support, and a commitment to seeing your farm thrive in the modern age.


Ready to take your farm to the next level? Join the HiOT revolution. Let's cultivate a future where farms aren't just fields but interconnected hubs of innovation. Welcome to HiOT – where farming meets the future.

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Tel. 020-7267-6665
Fax. 020-7267-6600

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Monday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00

Saturday and Sunday: Closed 


62 Camden Road, Camden Town, London, NW1 9DR


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