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Security Cameras

Security System


HIOT employs security systems by incorporating a combination of advanced technologies and carefully selected components. HIOT Integrated Solutions employs state-of-the-art security systems by integrating a range of advanced technologies tailored to meet the specific security needs of each client. This includes the deployment of high-quality surveillance cameras with features like night vision and motion detection for comprehensive monitoring. Intrusion detection sensors strategically placed on entry points, access control mechanisms, and audible alarm systems collectively contribute to a robust security infrastructure.

HIOT places a strong emphasis on smart home integration, enabling clients to remotely monitor and control their security systems through intuitive mobile apps. The inclusion of biometric access control and collaboration with professional monitoring services further enhances the precision and responsiveness of the security measures. With environmental monitoring and integration with other smart systems, HIOT ensures a holistic approach to security, delivering solutions that prioritize both efficacy and adaptability.

The specific security systems used by HIOT Integrated Solutions include:

Security System


Smart Lock


A smart lock is a technologically advanced locking mechanism designed to provide enhanced security and convenience. Unlike traditional locks, smart locks incorporate connectivity features, often through Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or Zigbee, allowing users to control and monitor access remotely. Key features of smart locks include:

  • Keyless Entry Solutions:

  • HIOT integrates smart locks that provide keyless entry options, allowing users to unlock doors using methods such as smartphones, PIN codes, key fobs, or biometric authentication. This eliminates the need for traditional physical keys.


  • Integration with Smart Home Ecosystems:

    • HIOT ensures seamless integration of smart locks into broader smart home ecosystems. This integration allows users to coordinate and control smart locks alongside other connected devices within their homes, creating a cohesive and synchronized environment.


  • Security Alerts and Monitoring:

    • Smart locks deployed by HIOT may come with real-time security alerts. Users receive notifications about door status changes or unauthorized access attempts, enhancing security monitoring capabilities.


  • Mobile App Management:

    • Users can manage and customize the smart lock settings through a dedicated mobile app on their smartphones. This allows for easy configuration of access codes, monitoring activity logs, and receiving instant notifications, putting control directly in the hands of the user.

Smart locks provide a modern and flexible approach to home security, offering users greater control, convenience, and customization over access to their homes or properties, all easily managed through a user-friendly mobile app.


Garage Automation


HIOT Integrated Solutions employs garage automation by integrating cutting-edge smart technologies to enhance the functionality and security of garage spaces. Here's how HIOT incorporates garage automation:

  • Smart Garage Door Openers:

    • HIOT installs or retrofits smart garage door openers that enable users to remotely control the opening and closing of their garage doors through a dedicated mobile app. This ensures convenience and flexibility in managing garage access.

  • Remote Monitoring and Alerts:

    • HIOT integrates sensors and cameras within the garage to provide users with real-time monitoring capabilities. Users can check the status of their garage doors remotely and receive instant alerts or notifications about any changes in the garage's status.

  • Smart Home Integration:

    • HIOT seamlessly integrates garage automation into broader smart home ecosystems. This allows users to control and monitor their garage alongside other connected devices within their homes, creating a cohesive and interconnected smart living experience.

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Tel. 020-7267-6665
Fax. 020-7267-6600

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Monday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00

Saturday and Sunday: Closed 


62 Camden Road, Camden Town, London, NW1 9DR


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